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Requesting Dungeon Defenders Modded Weapon/Armor XBLA
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  1. #1

    big smile Requesting Dungeon Defenders Modded Weapon/Armor XBLA

    Hello, I'm new to this site and I don't really know what's going on here besides a bunch of mods. I've been playing Dungeon Defenders for a while now and I'm like level 63 for my mage, the thing is, I'm weak(er), I keep getting kicked because I can hardly do anything, and I saw other people my level doing thousands of damage and had awesome stuff. Then I saw that they had items that said "360haven com". Now, before you say anything, I don't know how to mod and if I did, I wouldn't be able to/not allowed to. So I'm just asking if anyone here can give me a modded weapon/item, it would be really nice if you did so I don't keep getting kicked from a match every 5 seconds. GT : TboyXtreme

  2. #2

    Re: Requesting Dungeon Defenders Modded Weapon/Armor XBLA

    I would also like to have a modded weapon i've tryed modding but just do not understand at all. i am willing to pay microsoft points or in game mana i have 8 mil. i just want like a set of or two armor and a weapon for a apprentice. i'm on xbox live most of the day just message me or send a game invite and we can work something out my GT: a important man please and thank you in advance
    Last edited by ggeo3; 11-16-2011 at 09:51 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: Requesting Dungeon Defenders Modded Weapon/Armor XBLA

    the same thing keeps happening to me /: and thats how i found this site with the weapons named '360haven com' if someone could help me out with just a weapon for my hunter that will be extremely help full and it means i wont get kicked and i can actually finish the challenges and campaign. GT: H DOT FLIRTZ E-Mail: [email protected]
    if someone can add me on xbox and help me out that would be great, if someone could email me and tell me the way they got it that would be great to. thank you.



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