Oh ! I do have a question about the editor though. Will we be able to play with the latest updates or will it be an offline editor only for now?
Oh ! I do have a question about the editor though. Will we be able to play with the latest updates or will it be an offline editor only for now?
I have to say, I've seen a lot of save editors out there for many different games, but this one without a doubt outshines them all. The UI looks so good, if I didn't know any better I'd say this thing was made by the devs themselfs. You did a great job. I am really looking forward to using this beauty.
How many more days until its release
what does the parameter section do? im really curious about this part of the editor
It mods the stuff in the USER_DATA15 file. Look at this for a sample of the stuff you can mod in there: http://www.360haven.com/forums/threa...rameter-Editor
These parameter mods are working on 1.04 tested and confirmed. I haven't gone online since I'm "soft" banned.
- Aboard for Destiny Beta (Xbox 360)
Apart of Meowcenaries Squad - Destiny