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  1. #49

    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    Quote Originally Posted by Masterjedy View Post
    Do you know how to mod the gil in the game using this same method? I mean weapon and garbs in hard mode are so expensive that you really cant buy the ones you really want.
    1st: Take a Look at your Game, how much GIL you have, WRITE it on a Sheet.
    2nd: Copy your Save to USB, open it on PC with HORIZON by DoubleCklick you Savefile, than go to CONTENT, rightclick & extract.
    3rd: Open the http://www.multiupload.nl/ZJU59QX3QA & save the Decrypted File where ever you want.
    4th: Open the decryptet File in HxD Editor & choose "Surch"..choose "Integer Number" (& under the "any bitwith" is any to choose, so choose the 2nd in it).
    5th: now type in the written GIL (when u have 900Gil, you come at 4Hex-Scince). (to mod your Gil well, only mod 8hex-scince)
    6th: Begin to "mark" the 2hex before the one you found, only 8 Hex enpugh & rightclick on that what you mark & select "select block" & choose "DEC" & type in the "Lenght" 99999999, after type in, choose "Hex" copy that hex wich are choosed from 99999999 and press STRG+V. Than press Chancel on the Window, so it closed.
    7th: Now go to the 1st 2 Hex, wich you have choosed to start before and press "STRG+B".
    8th: Press Strg+S (this will save your file) & close the HxD Editor & open the "decrypter" open your decrypted File & encrypt.
    9th: Put your modded File to your USB & to your Xbox or Ps3 and have fun.

    PS.: I did the strongest Enemy in Game by One Hit Kill (I m still lovin it). (Only press at the Beginning of the Fight 2x the Button for Time Dilitation - so she does Clouds Omni)
    Here my Fight to watch on Mediafire:
    Last edited by bangorrhea; 02-28-2014 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #50
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    MancombSeepgood is offline
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    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    Okay, with some tinkering and (most importantly) finally managing to make some semblance of sense out of the post in the Japanese forum I mentionend above, I worked out how the location pointers for the abilities work. All credit goes to the Japanese guy who figured it out first!

    The location pointers for abilities begin at offset 1FD90, the abilities themselves start at offset 36444.

    The location info is made up of 400 blocks of 12h bytes each; the first set of 12h bytes is the first item in your ability inventory, the second is the second and so forth. Each 12h byte block typically looks like this:
    30 B0 B0 30 B0 B0 31 5F 30 30 30 30 30 61 00 00 00 01
    Your abilites are stored in 32h byte long blocks at a different offset (36444). Now, each of the location pointers points to one specific ability, and it works like this:

    The location pointers consist of two very important parts, namely the first seven bytes and the fourteenth byte. The latter, in plaintext, is the tens digit, the former is turned into the units digit by using the following table for reference.

    0 - 30 B0 B0 30 30 30 31
    1 - 30 B0 B0 30 30 30 B1
    2 - 30 B0 B0 30 30 B0 31
    3 - 30 B0 B0 30 30 B0 B1
    4 - 30 B0 B0 30 B0 30 31 
    5 - 30 B0 B0 30 B0 30 B1 
    6 - 30 B0 B0 30 B0 B0 31 
    7 - 30 B0 B0 30 B0 B0 B1 
    8 - 30 B0 B0 B0 30 30 31
    9 - 30 B0 B0 B0 30 30 B1
    a - B0 B0 30 30 30 30 B1
    b - B0 B0 30 30 30 B0 31
    c - B0 B0 30 30 30 B0 B1
    d - B0 B0 30 30 B0 30 31
    e - B0 B0 30 30 B0 30 B1
    f - B0 B0 30 30 B0 B0 31
    The example I've given above (30 B0 B0 30 B0 B0 31 5F 30 30 30 30 30 61 00 00 00 01) works out the following way:

    The first seven bytes are 30 B0 B0 30 B0 B0 31; if we consult the chart above, we find that that corresponds to "6". We now have the units digit of our number.
    The fourteenth byte is 61, which is "a" in ASCII plaintext. Thus, our tens digit is "A".

    Consequently, the complete number is A6 (or 166 in decimal). If we multiply that number by 32h (remember, that's the length of a single ability), we finally find out how far from the starting offset of 36444 our ability is located.

    I haven't tried adding a new ability yet, but it should theoretically be possible with this information. Just add the ability, work out the distance to the starting offset, divide that by 32h, do the math to convert that number into a location pointer and insert it at the end of the list.

    Sorry for the confusing explanation, I hope you were able to get the gist of it. I'm not a native speaker (I'm German), so please bear with me :).

  3. #51

    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    @Ryudo: Do you know the Way how DLC-Garbs like 1st Class Soldier are availabe to me? (I think there must be 2 Offsets wich have to be (one/first))added and (second(written))changed, because the Download-Code-Package from this Garb have to be in, at the Save we mod..THX

  4. #52
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    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    Quote Originally Posted by bangorrhea View Post
    @Ryudo: Do you know the Way how DLC-Garbs like 1st Class Soldier are availabe to me? (I think there must be 2 Offsets wich have to be (one/first))added and (second(written))changed, because the Download-Code-Package from this Garb have to be in, at the Save we mod..THX
    This is only possible with Weapons, replacing an existing equipped weapon with a DLC weapon will make it show up, but as soon as you take it off it completely vanishes from your Inventory. DLC garbs don't seem to work at all though using this method.
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  5. #53
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    13Dannyboy13 is offline
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    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    Yeah the outfits don't seem to work, maybe there is something to actually download instead of just a flag when you get the dlc. I was actually considering buying some of the dlc until I saw the price, $4 for one outfit...wtf. Has anyone found an ability list for the garb skills? As much as I like artemis arrow, I don't like the outfit it's on.
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  6. #54

    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    Quote Originally Posted by 13Dannyboy13 View Post
    Yeah the outfits don't seem to work, maybe there is something to actually download instead of just a flag when you get the dlc. I was actually considering buying some of the dlc until I saw the price, $4 for one outfit...wtf. Has anyone found an ability list for the garb skills? As much as I like artemis arrow, I don't like the outfit it's on.
    I want the Same lol

    Let´s start this Petition..

  7. #55

    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    Can anyone tell me how to mod the Gil of a ps3 save file ? I tried the steps from bangorrhea but I couldn't find the Gil value (I had 15460 Gil when I tried it)

  8. #56

    Re: Simple Hex Modding Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns

    Quote Originally Posted by Beastlyqt View Post
    Can anyone tell me how to mod the Gil of a ps3 save file ? I tried the steps from bangorrhea but I couldn't find the Gil value (I had 15460 Gil when I tried it)
    Load up youre Original Save File..and I´ll take a Look. (the Folder, with all other Files (Param.sfo, ...))


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