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  1. #57
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    MacElite is offline
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    I'm getting turned around at the repacking part as well - not sure if it's just by chance some of the names of his files - But the first dat file I got that was kept was 0000012f.dat, then I was able to find the specific file and successfully modded and saved the file which is 0002cc5c.dat and my actual save is Hero1 Manual - Save3.
    *I am good in dos*
    -So if i put all the working files into the same directory (or folder) is this how it's typed out?
    Step 9: packzip.exe -o 0x33a7 0002cc5c.dat 0000012f.dat ????
    Step 10: packzip.exe -0 0x133 0000012f.dat Hero1 Manual - Save3 ???
    Step 11: Then inject overwriting original hero1 manual - save3 file - hash and save and boom??? IS that all correct???

    I know nothing of developing and I am thankful to the creator of these tools and instructions, I'm just not sure if instead of putting 0x33a7 I was supposed to put 2cc5c?? I followed through with the steps I stated above and have not yet attempted to play the game yet - but maybe I did do it correctly? If not could you type it out as I should have - once you do I will understand where my error was.
    thanks again for your time and help!

  2. #58
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    Quote Originally Posted by MacElite View Post
    I'm getting turned around at the repacking part as well - not sure if it's just by chance some of the names of his files - But the first dat file I got that was kept was 0000012f.dat, then I was able to find the specific file and successfully modded and saved the file which is 0002cc5c.dat and my actual save is Hero1 Manual - Save3.
    *I am good in dos*
    -So if i put all the working files into the same directory (or folder) is this how it's typed out?
    Step 9: packzip.exe -o 0x33a7 0002cc5c.dat 0000012f.dat ????
    Step 10: packzip.exe -0 0x133 0000012f.dat Hero1 Manual - Save3 ???
    Step 11: Then inject overwriting original hero1 manual - save3 file - hash and save and boom??? IS that all correct???

    I know nothing of developing and I am thankful to the creator of these tools and instructions, I'm just not sure if instead of putting 0x33a7 I was supposed to put 2cc5c?? I followed through with the steps I stated above and have not yet attempted to play the game yet - but maybe I did do it correctly? If not could you type it out as I should have - once you do I will understand where my error was.
    thanks again for your time and help!
    For Steps 9 and 10, you need to enter the number of what YOUR dat files name's are.

    Step 9: packzip.exe -o 0x2cc5c 0002cc5c.dat 0000012f.dat
    Step 10: packzip.exe -o 0x12f 0000012f.dat "Hero1 Manual - Save3"
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  3. #59

    devilswarchild is offline
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    ok im stuck on step 7 and 8. im following the steps ecaxtly but when i do the part where theres supposed to 7-15 files i end up with 56 files and not one of the is a .dat file? what am i doing wrong?

  4. #60

    devilswarchild is offline
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    once you finished repacking it is the file supposed to say DAT file under the name?

  5. #61

    devilswarchild is offline
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    ok for those of you who are having weird files pop up in the save folder when doing the second offzip process the solution is very simple. update your offzip and packzip exe files with the latest versions then try it again. and my theory with his tutorial is as follows: the reason he may be only getting 8-15 files is probably because his is most likely pre-update/patch. cause mine downloaded an update just the other day and im getting 56 files with the second offzip process. the one that would open in the editor for me was the 8th file down from the top of the list. and i continued following the tutorial and saving the newly modded/saved "manual save1" file into horizon as stated in the tutorial... heres where it gets interesting.. when i put that save into my xbox and load up the game after i press start to get to main menu as the "book" begins to open the game freezes. idk why its doing this but im going to test my theory of a workaround here in a minute to see if i can save it to horizon using a different save method to see if it will load up into the game with no problems. will post results in a few minutes. wish me luck!!!

  6. #62

    devilswarchild is offline
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    well i was going to inject my save with the new one but wouldnt even let me do that so i did the whole process over again and its still freezing. im going to try something someone said in a previous post to see if that works after i restore my original save. wish me luck.... hopefully.

  7. #63

    devilswarchild is offline
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    ok here are the results from doing the steps of the tutorial with a brand new save when saving right after the very first cutscene when you first get control of your hero( i saved it at that point then began the modding process). did the tutorial as it is written moved my newly modded save from flashdrive to console then started up the game loaded my save and after a rewatch of the first cutscene got control of my character and i did indeed have max gold. so i deleted that save and made a fresh save in its place. so with that being done i would like to say that this editor has lots of potential and will be expected to do great things once it matures and develops out of its infantcy :):):):)

  8. #64
    aygul is offline
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    Re: Fable Anniversary - How to Decompresss Your Save

    Quote Originally Posted by devilswarchild View Post
    ok here are the results from doing the steps of the tutorial with a brand new save when saving right after the very first cutscene when you first get control of your hero( i saved it at that point then began the modding process). did the tutorial as it is written moved my newly modded save from flashdrive to console then started up the game loaded my save and after a rewatch of the first cutscene got control of my character and i did indeed have max gold. so i deleted that save and made a fresh save in its place. so with that being done i would like to say that this editor has lots of potential and will be expected to do great things once it matures and develops out of its infantcy :):):):)

    I get this only works when the save game is fresh of the beginning,

    After playing a while.. if i edit that profile. for example a profile with 20 hours gametrough.

    I can't edit that.. i will get instint freeze. Every time.


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