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  1. #17
    Program Engineer

    Jappi88 is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    this code is for vb to call the unmanaged decompress function >>:

    <DllImport("compress.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
    Public Shared Function lzo_compress(<Out()> ByVal decompressed_buffer As Byte(), ByVal decompressed_size As Integer, <[In]()> ByVal compressed_buffer As Byte(), ByVal compressed_size As Integer, ByVal type As Integer) As Integer
    End Function

    if the decompress Returns nulled or invalid data means the file ur decompressing does not use that type.
    so to check if ur decompressing whent like it suposed to be, could be done like this :

    'declare a varaible as integer to use for return result from the decompressor
    Dim Result as Integer = lzo_decompress(buffer, buffer.Length, Decompressed, Length, 8)

    if Result > -1 then msgbox("Succesfull Decompression") else msgbox("Failed decompressing file!")

    if the decompressing when succesfully it will return the decompressed length else it will return a negative value. (-1)
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  2. #18

    PUR3 RAF3X is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    lmao my vault I have do a noob step this is why I have trouble but guys it's work and I can Decompress & Compress the Borderland 2 save. When kill_seph not update his Tool then I release my one and big big thanks to fairchild. All credits to him ;)

    Here the translated code from fairchild to vb:

    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.ComponentModel
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Drawing
    Imports System.Linq
    Imports System.Text
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Imports System.IO
    Namespace example
    	Public Partial Class Form1
    		Inherits Form
    		Private Enum CompressionMethods
    			' decompressors
    			COMP_NONE = 0
    			' No compression
    			' RFC 1950
    			' RFC 1951
    			' LZO 1 Freeware
    			' LZO 1a Freeware
    			' LZO 1b (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZO 1c (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZO 1f (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZO 1x (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZO 1y (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZO 1z (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZO 2a (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZOPRO 1x (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' LZOPRO 1y (safe with overrun) Freeware
    			' compressors
    			' LZO 1 Freeware
    			' better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 1a Freeware
    			' better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 1b Freeware  (Valid compression level: 1..9)
    			' better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' even better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 1c Freeware  (Valid compression level: 1..9)
    			' better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' even better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 1f Freeware
    			' even better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 1x Freeware
    			' even better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 1y Freeware
    			' even better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 1z Freeware
    			' even better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZO 2a Freeware
    			' even better compression ratio at the cost of more memory and time
    			' LZOPRO 1x	(Valid compression level: 1..10)
    			' LZOPRO 1y	(Valid compression level: 1..10)
    		End Enum
    		Public Function ReadAllBytes(fileName As String, offset As Integer) As Byte()
    			Dim buffer As Byte() = Nothing
    			Using fs As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
    				'Console.Out.WriteLine("fs.Length: " + fs.Length + "\n");
    				'Console.Out.WriteLine("offset: " + offset + "\n");
    				buffer = New Byte((fs.Length - offset) - 1) {}
    				fs.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin)
    				fs.Read(buffer, 0, CInt(fs.Length - offset))
    			End Using
    			Return buffer
    		End Function
    		Public Sub New()
    		End Sub
    		<DllImport("compress.dll", CallingConvention := CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
    		Public Shared Function lzo_decompress(<Out> compressed_buffer As Byte(), compressed_size As UInteger, <[In]> decompressed_buffer As Byte(), decompressed_size As UInteger, method As UInteger) As UInteger
    		End Function
    		<DllImport("compress.dll", CallingConvention := CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
    		Public Shared Function lzo_compress(<Out> decompressed_buffer As Byte(), decompressed_size As UInteger, <[In]> compressed_buffer As Byte(), compressed_size As UInteger, method As UInteger, compress_level As UInteger) As UInteger
    		End Function
    		Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    			Dim Pfad As String = String.Empty
    			Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog()
    			openFileDialog1.Filter = "Save (*.sav)|*.sav|All files (*.*)|*.*"
    			If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
    				Pfad = openFileDialog1.FileName
    			End If
    			Dim decompressed_size As UInt32 = 24875
    			' Static for now on my testfile
    			Dim decompressed_buffer As Byte() = New Byte(decompressed_size - 1) {}
    			Dim compressed_buffer As Byte() = ReadAllBytes(Pfad, &H18)
    			Dim compressed_size As UInteger = CUInt(compressed_buffer.Length)
    			Dim result As UInteger = lzo_decompress(compressed_buffer, compressed_size, decompressed_buffer, decompressed_size, CUInt(CompressionMethods.COMP_LZOPRO1X))
    			richTextBox1.Text += vbLf & "Decompress result: " & result & vbLf
    			For i As Integer = 0 To 127
    				richTextBox1.Text += decompressed_buffer(i).ToString("X2")
    			decompressed_size = result
    			result = lzo_compress(decompressed_buffer, decompressed_size, compressed_buffer, compressed_size, CUInt(CompressionMethods.COMP_LZOPRO1X_COMPRESS), 10)
    			richTextBox1.Text += vbLf & "Compress result: " & result & vbLf
    			For i As Integer = 0 To 127
    				richTextBox1.Text += compressed_buffer(i).ToString("X2")
    '            for (int i = 0; i < result; i++)
    '                richTextBox1.Text += decompressed_buffer[i].ToString("X2");
    		End Sub
    	End Class
    End Namespace

  3. #19

    kill_seth is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    Did some more testing, and it seems the library isn't working correctly with the compression.

    <DllImport("compress.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
    Public Shared Function lzo_compress(<Out> decompressed_buffer As Byte(), decompressed_size As UInteger, <[In]> compressed_buffer As Byte(), compressed_size As UInteger, type As UInteger, compression_level As UInteger) As UInteger
    End Function
    If OFD.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
      gReader = New GPDPackage.GPD(OFD.FileName)
      iReader = New IOPackage.RWStream(gReader.ExtractSaveData(GPDPackage.GPD.SaveData.TitleSpecific1))
      SHA1 = iReader.ReadBytes(&H14)
      decompressedSize = iReader.ReadUInt32()
      Dim decompressedData As Byte() = New Byte(decompressedSize - 1) {}
      Dim compressedData As Byte() = iReader.ReadBytes(iReader.Length - iReader.Position)
      compressedSize = compressedData.Length
      File.WriteAllBytes("Profile(compressed)", compressedData)
      Dim result = lzo_decompress(compressedData, compressedSize, decompressedData, decompressedSize, 12)
      Dim result2 = lzo_compress(decompressedData, decompressedSize, compressedData, compressedSize, 12, 10)
      File.WriteAllBytes("Profile(decompressed)", decompressedData)
      File.WriteAllBytes("Profile(recompressed)", compressedData)
    End If
    Doing that both the Profile(compressed) and Profile(recompressed) files are exactly the same. So at first, I thought I finally got it to work and decided to try something else. I edited the decompressed data and wrote a 1 to the first uint32 entry, then tried to recompress it. Turns out, both the files were exactly the same again. I even tried creating a recompressedData and recompressedSize, but then I just ended up with a null bytes once again. Thanks for all your hard work, and I hope we can figure this out!

  4. #20

    PUR3 RAF3X is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    Yes this is hard and make me sick.
    Last edited by PUR3 RAF3X; 09-27-2012 at 09:53 AM.

  5. #21

    PUR3 RAF3X is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    @kill the vault why it's return 0 is when you set CompressionMethods to 0 or none then it's return all bytes with "0" use for decompress CompressionMethods.COMP_LZOPRO1X or try around with another Enums. But I have the best result with Decompress this data using my own LZO 2.06 with custom setting.
    Last edited by PUR3 RAF3X; 09-27-2012 at 10:52 AM.

  6. #22
    eyebiz is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    I must be missing something. How could you possibly know the size "decompressed_size" of the decompressed_buffer before decompression?

    Edit: When working with a pre-compressed file, aka the BL2 save.

  7. #23
    Program Engineer

    Jappi88 is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    Quote Originally Posted by eyebiz View Post
    I must be missing something. How could you possibly know the size "decompressed_size" of the decompressed_buffer before decompression?
    Because in some compressions the decompressed size is discripted inside the data.
    Lzo works that way.

    there is nothing wrong with compress.dll(lzopro) works like it should... It jyst doesnt have the suported compression type for borderlands 2.
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  8. #24

    PUR3 RAF3X is offline
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    Re: Generic Xbox360 Compression Library

    Quote Originally Posted by Jappi88 View Post
    Because in some compressions the decompressed size is discripted inside the data.
    Lzo works that way.

    there is nothing wrong with compress.dll(lzopro) works like it should... It jyst doesnt have the suported compression type for borderlands 2.
    Ahh ok. Yes I see this the dll do the job and I have include this to my Tool so the guys can use it and try self around. The Tool support Packzip/offzip and this lib ;) work in progress are xextool I now many will love this.


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