hello.. i'm not going to lie, i'm pretty bad at modding and navigating websites.. pretty much just bad with computers in general. (took me forever to actually get on this site for dark souls modding..)

my level 60ish save file was just corrupted an hour ago. this is my second one, the last being 50.

you know, i really dig this game but i'm getting tired FAST of having to do everything over and over again to have my time wasted.. so i thought i'd ask some of the more experienced modding maestros out there... can you help me? i just want to edit my save file and hopefully repair it, make a new one and boost it to 60 or honest to god just get it to 100 and act like the 80+ something hours weren't wasted.

if you want to help me, a link on this site to a download would be amazing.. i don't know how to navigate to what i need personally. i don't expect you to hold my hand when it comes to modding the thing, but if you don't mind i'd really appreciate any advice or tutorials on how to do it myself.

i'm using the xbox 360 and i have a usb. yes, i dashboarded during a save (i'm an idiot, happy?), i was trying to steal the cape in the dukes castle and got caught by a guard at night.
thanks for reading...

edit: i was searching for some info on the site, and the topics and downloads i wanted to look at gave me a area off limit warning. does it not like mozilla?