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  1. #1

    PUR3 RAF3X is offline
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    -Here is my Dragon's Dogma Editor-
    Work with Dark Arisen

    How it work:
    Open your Save "DD_SAVEDATA_*"
    The Tool do all things for you ohh not all the mod stuff are your part.
    Before you close the Tool click SAVE.


    This tool have over 1400 item inside different files."Plugins Folder"
    Support max size and text zoom.

    Update 2.0
    Add search support with color for the summary "click go and you jump to the text
    Add Backup function
    Add custom list for items
    Add background color for textbox

    Update 2.1
    Add copy & paste
    Add undo & redo

    Update 2.2
    fix the tool

    Update 3.0
    Add Items sort Support
    Add Hex/Dec ID converter
    Add Dark Arisen Items list
    Add Rehash & Resign Support
    Add 360Haven Login

    Update 3.1
    Allow reopen Savedata

    This Tool need NETFRAMEWORK 4

    Thanks for ISOLib
    Thanks for PackageIO
    Thanks to Idlehands88 for Testing the Tool and the greate Item share
    Thanks for 360Haven Login

    Originally Posted by Xenoith View Post
    Guys I updated this thread with a new one ANY NEW ITEM IDs PLEASE put them there. It's a repost of the tutorial just without all the insanity of 40+ Pages. Post your findings there so we can keep the data fresh, we're going to try to get a wiki up for 360haven's Website.
    This is for FINDS ONLY! Do NOT make request there or post thanks or ask how to use the tool. I'm trying to keep that thread clutter free.


    Allow use the Tool

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    Please use here the Thanks button for unlock this free Tool !!!
    Wait 2-3 Min for unlocking the Tool !!!
    Current Version:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2012-06-13_001430.jpg 
Views:	4885 
Size:	220.1 KB 
ID:	7988   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2012-06-13_001511.jpg 
Views:	4212 
Size:	298.6 KB 
ID:	7989   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2012-06-13_001819.jpg 
Views:	4202 
Size:	250.6 KB 
ID:	7990  

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2012-06-13_001738.jpg 
Views:	3668 
Size:	187.0 KB 
ID:	7991  
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by PUR3 RAF3X; 09-02-2013 at 09:41 PM. Reason: Login FIX

  2. The Following 1,683 Users Say Thank You to PUR3 RAF3X For This Useful Post:

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    13Dannyboy13, 69bigplayer69, AccJack, actualmanx, AdfroMan, Adrolien, AeScT, Afgard, agent zero, ageuloko, ahoy!, aizen007, AJPB, akabane, akiraraiji, Akosu, alanorsen9, aldgia, Alemist, alexhuang, alexL, alexos, alexpazini2, alidavodi, Almainyny, Alphen, Altaris, Altiar, amfkwhz71, anderxenn, andretzar, androidwof, andydvd, aNinjaGuardian, Anmsem, Annon, anonymouz, Antex, Arcanon, ardha, arismendy, ArsenicRose, Artoris, Asaliah, asgard7783, assassins, atep8, athan621, ATwistedDeath, auram, aureliano17, AURES, Aurionche, Avengerbro, awrun, aygul, AzraelBloodMoon, b_hoet, Babouche, bakercrew, Barx001, Basilerc, Battousai, Beast101, Beferwz, before, bellefire, BigChocolat, bilboswagg, bkmatch12, bkpedrobk, blackphoe, Blancharde, blattodea, blazingxxx, Bloody Moon, Blue Dragon, Bmart96, bmxking128, bobbyb, BokFresh, Bond1130, bonikiller, borla, Brandewyn, bravehart8, BravoSix, BrayWyatt, Brent, Buckledown, buffspot, Buliwyf, bungal, cathedrick, CatMario, cbishop, chainaman, chonchito, 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  3. #2
    The Immortal God

    CloudStrife7x is offline
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    this editor look very good, great work PUR3 RAF3X :D, keep up the great work bro
    Downloads : 157 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 24531 || Posts : 18,751 || Thanks : 4,451 || Thanked 3,096 Times in 2,607 Posts

  4. #3
    Noctis Caelum


    very nice editor homie....

  5. #4
    Senior Member
    I_Bang_Fat_Chicks is offline
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    Looks way awesome.. Cant wait to try it out.. Great job!
    Downloads : 27 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 4971 || Posts : 313 || Thanks : 138 || Thanked 27 Times in 12 Posts

    If I Cant Be A Good EXAMPLE .. Ill Just Have To Be A Horrible WARNING

  6. #5
    Bear Hugs

    revsix6 is offline
    Join Date : Nov 2011
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    Excellent editor, mate.
    Downloads : 23 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 6612 || Posts : 1,934 || Thanks : 150 || Thanked 216 Times in 189 Posts

    I've given you knowledge and wisdom. Different places we come from, but open arms we accept.- My Mentor

  7. #6
    I C0z I


    awesome work PUR3 RAF3X

  8. #7
    ★ The Exiled One ★

    Idlehands88 is offline
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    The Editor worked perfect PUR3 :P Keep up the amazing work!
    Downloads : 71 || Uploads : 4 || Rep Power : 14370 || Posts : 4,709 || Thanks : 1,168 || Thanked 16,733 Times in 1,843 Posts

  9. #8

    XajNyne is offline
    Join Date : Jan 2011
    Location : Australia
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    Awesome job. Well done and thank you.
    Downloads : 111 || Uploads : 7 || Rep Power : 8225 || Posts : 3,225 || Thanks : 1,151 || Thanked 328 Times in 242 Posts



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