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xm360v2.0D - Downloads - 360Haven

Downloads: xm360v2.0D


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Uploaded by McWxXx - 03-29-2011
Author Author node21 created, I'm just spreading.
File Size File Size 8.92 MB
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Team-xedev presents
XM360 - By node21

If you love XM360, please donate via paypal: [email protected]

Typical usage:
Launch XM360.xex
Choose Scan All - This will show you all XBLA titles installed (choose Unlock to unlock them if needed)
Choose Collection Manager

Once in the Collection Manager you will see a list of all known XBLA titles. They will be marked as:
"Have" - it is installed
"Missing" - it is missing
"Ignored" - it is ignored

A title reaches the "Ignored" state by selecting it in the list, and pressing the "X" button.

The "Y" button will filter the list in the following order:
ALL (all existing titles)
Just Missing
Just Have
Just Ignored

After you are done, you should find a file in the root of your usb stick (or elsewhere, see xm360.cfg) called xbla_report.txt. That will list all of your missing titles.

As more XBLA titles come out, you can place a file in the root of your usb stick (or elsewhere, see xm360.cfg) called xbla_titles.csv.

As of version 1.8c, the old scraping perl script is compatible again, but it's not smart, and is much slower. You should be using XM360_server instead.

Usage: XM360server.exe /? - list options
XM360server.exe /D - update or create dlc_titles.csv in the current directory and exit
XM360server.exe /X - update or create xbla_titles.csv in the current directory and exit
XM360server.exe /L {locale} - optionally specify the locale (defaults to en-US). Only useful before /D or /X
XM360server.exe /U {URL} - optionally specify the URL (defaults to catalog.xboxlive.com). Only useful before /D or /X
XM360server.exe - with no parameters runs the server (doesn't exit)

XM360server.exe /X (update XBLA_titles.csv and exit)
XM360server.exe /U catalog.xboxlive.com /L en-US /D (update DLC_titles.csv and exit, URL and Locale specifically overridden)
Changes W/ This Update:

Version 2.0d -- Nov 13th, 2010
* Fixed seemingly never ending message boxes that I broke in 2.0c
* Changed format of XBLA and DLC reports to include Utf8, and proper quoting
* If you love XM360, please donate via paypal: [email protected]


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