View Full Version : Xbox 720 Will Be Cheaper, 'Far Smaller Than 360' And Run On Windows 9 [Rumor]

11-11-2011, 05:32 AM

Xbox 360's successor is clearly in the works, although it's debatable when exactly it'll be unveiled. In the meantime, reports continue to surface on what Microsoft has planned for its next games console. One of the newest reports comes from a source known as "MS nerd," who indicates that the next Xbox will be based on Windows 9 and an ARM architecture.

Moreover, it'll be much smaller and, importantly, cheaper than the existing Xbox 360, enabling Microsoft to better drive adoption of its hardware and the Kinect platform.

The MS nerd source is not just any blogger, as this person had accurate information on Microsoft's Courier, (the abandoned tablet project) well in advance, so clearly there's a connection here to Microsoft's Entertainment & Devices group.

Regarding the next Xbox, MS nerd wrote, "With a heady mix of rumors, tips and speculation, I am now stating that Xbox codename 'loop'(the erstwhile XboxTV) will indeed debut a modified Win9 core. It will use a Zune HD-like hardware platform—a 'main' processor with multiple dedicated assistive cores for graphics, AI, physics, sound, networking, encryption and sensors. It will be custom designed by Microsoft and two partners based on the ARM architecture. It will be cheaper than the 360, further enabling Kinect adoption. And it will be far smaller than the 360. It will also demonstrate how Windows Phone could possible implement Win9’s dev platform on the lower end."

For now, of course, take this information with several grains of salt, but it certainly sounds plausible.

11-11-2011, 05:36 AM
i dont see how this console will be cheaper if its a brand new better quality console

11-11-2011, 05:41 AM
they could use some parts from the 360. like the power supply & controller ports. and, other ports as well.

11-11-2011, 05:45 AM
that would be awesome if it was cheaper but i just dont see it happening even if they use 360 parts i think Microsoft will want money lol those bastards, but i guess we just have to wait and see, nice share Sterling

11-11-2011, 07:32 AM
that would be awesome if it was cheaper but i just don't see it happening even if they use 360 parts i think Microsoft will want money lol those bastards, but i guess we just have to wait and see, nice share Sterling
Agree! Microsoft loves making money!
If hardware is easy to manufacture it should be cheaper I hear they never really profit from selling consoles, probably most of the money goes into research and development.
ARM Architecture hopefully...that means faster and not a mobile platform.

11-12-2011, 07:37 PM
It's always great to hear these types of rumors. Lets you know that xbox will continue and i can keep playing it. I agree with sterling it does sound plausible. Being cheaper i can doubt that. All the new software(if they are making an xbox 720) would just be plain great. I can look forward to playing the new COD on it lol.

11-12-2011, 07:57 PM
Px360 - Portable xbox 360 - $799.95 :)


02-02-2012, 07:13 PM
This is fascinating news to me. Look at how the psx went to psone . I know the camparison is no way same as internal kit involved.

Wonder if it will be x-clamped micro version bummer lol.

02-09-2012, 11:40 PM
It is easy to make it smaller and cheaper, most of it will be in the cloud. There was a movie called 'The first million is the hardest to make' or something like that. The computer they had in it was no bigger than the hilt of a light saber, but was able to act as powerful as a super PC. This is where the cloud is trying to take us. You will not have info personally stored, it will be on the web somewhere. Admittedly they are not seeing the hacking issues that this is going to cause. Maybe I am paranoid though since I still do not like wireless security.

Noctis Caelum
02-10-2012, 02:39 AM
2 wonderful shares in one thread

02-10-2012, 03:08 AM
the only thing i hope is that the content from the originals will be transferrable.. otherwise i'd find no point in it

02-11-2012, 06:57 AM
when is this coming out? windows 8 isn't even out yet.

02-12-2012, 11:37 AM
Meh... Mircosoft still didn't learn that us Real Gamers don't like using Gimmick Controlers such as the Kinect specially coming back from Work/College just wanting to lay down and relax playing Video Games. Hope this time around all Xbox360 Games are playable on the "Xbox720". Also by cheaper i hope they don't mean by the Console is cheaper itself it will break down faster.

02-24-2012, 07:43 PM
Given if it's ARM based, our hope for existing 360 games to be compatible would be gone. I'd like to see if SSD is getting introduced into the next console.

02-24-2012, 09:34 PM
I hope that rumor becomes true :/
BTW: If the xBox 720 comes out this site will become 720haven?

02-24-2012, 11:03 PM
Hows it going to come out with Windows 9 in 2013 when its already 2012 and windows 8 isn't out?

02-24-2012, 11:57 PM
Px360 - Portable xbox 360 - $799.95 :)


dude you know dats a photoshop fake
and i agree with most of the other comments i dont see how the xbox 720 will be cheaper

02-25-2012, 01:20 AM
Im hoping graphics will be great on the 720 ;)

02-25-2012, 08:15 AM
guys your guess is as good as mine. the way i see it. if they have the parts that are cheaper. to me they will still sell it at high price. isn't that how it goes in the business?. "use cheap parts and sell high". sure im hoping the new xbox would have a better graphics and such but question still remains will it ruin the cd "i mean like when someone decided to lay the xbox while the cd is running" ( i saw it in youtube how the cd was scratch). there is to many question that need to be answered lol.

02-28-2012, 12:11 AM
Might have to wait for the E3 for some fresh news =) :whistle:

02-28-2012, 12:53 AM
I'll store this in my "Believe it when I see it" file and see what happens lol!

02-29-2012, 01:15 PM
This interesting news.... but the cheap part is to good to be truth.

03-04-2012, 02:05 AM
Wow that sounds way crazier than i had previously thought. heh. sounds cool.

03-06-2012, 12:33 AM
IF it's going to be cheaper I'm totally there.

Luke Villa
03-07-2012, 06:16 PM
Yeahh would be nice if this turns out to be true, but i cant really see it being any cheaper?

03-09-2012, 12:58 AM
Yeahh would be nice if this turns out to be true, but i cant really see it being any cheaper?
I have to agree, yet it I really wish they would considering they are using a year old graphics chip. Personally it kinda makes me sad knowing that alone about the graphics, I know all in all console systems would not compare to the PC, but I wish they would at least give some computers a run for its money. Shoot I can build a $600-$700 PC and it substantially play games and many other things for at least 8-12 yrs, so in turn if I pay near or close to that amount (ie $400-$500) for a console I truly feel cheated. IDK that's just my opinion I guess:033:

03-18-2012, 01:00 AM
Given the mixed feedbacks from Win8 consumer preview, MSFT should wait and see on the strategy of Win9. Metro is too big of a gamble, it's liked by most XBOX players, but many plain desktop users are not too happy about it.

03-18-2012, 04:55 PM
Im just hoping the next xbox wont suffer from overheating and the RROD. And the fact the it wont use discs keeps me worried, specially cuz that also means there wont be backwards compatibility.

03-20-2012, 08:07 PM
I dont want a thin system i like my game systems like my when bulky and built

03-28-2012, 09:38 AM
It isn't impossible for it to be produced slightly cheaper than the 360 was when it was first launched. Especially if Microsoft already has the resources to do so. However, the Windows 9 thing just sounds absurd! Or maybe it was a typo? Anyway, Windows 8 is still in RC mode and won't be potentially released until October this year. Sure Windows 8 is more, if not primarily, for tablets and touch screens, but it would be more viable for Microsoft to utilize the architect towards their gaming platform. Especially since it will make PC games easier to port. Once again, I'm certain that Windows 9 is false and/or a typo.

04-10-2012, 12:01 AM
I heard that the next Xbox (or the xbox 720) will be using anti-used game? So if the consumer going to buy a second-hand game, he should unlock it first before he can play it.

plus, the next xbox won't be having optical disc drive? So...it means no backward compatibility of old 360 games? What about other peripherals such as the controllers and the kinect?

I don't have a good connection so it means no digital distribution of game. I still prefer the physical medium (Maybe because of the print outs? :3)

04-10-2012, 01:17 AM
if its cheaper im going to kill my neighbor

04-10-2012, 02:32 AM
if its cheaper im going to kill my neighbor

Why you want to kill them if it's cheaper? lol!