View Full Version : FFX HD Remaster Hex Editing question

03-27-2014, 03:59 PM
I wasn't sure if it warranted its own thread, but if anyone can help me out I'd much appreciate it. Well, anyway, I know how to hex-edit my weapons to have the abilities I wanted although one problem I had (a simple matter of aesthetics) was that the weapon/armor can't change form in accordance to its abilities. To get around this I tried to edit some weapons and armor to have 4 blank slots to see if I could customize the abilities in game. To my dismay I found that the items while having the 4 blank slots could not be customized. Does anyone know why this could be?

00 - Sensor
01 - First Strike
02 - Initiative
03 - Counterattack
04 - Evade & COunter
05 - Magic Counter
06 - Magic Booster
07 - Alchemy
08 - Auto-Potion
09 - Auto-Med
0A - Auto-Phoenix
0B - Piercing
0C - Half MP Cost
0D - 1 MP Cost
0E - Double Overdrive
0F - Triple Overdrive
10 - SOS Overdrive
11 - Overdrive -> AP
12 - Double AP
13 - Triple AP
14 - No AP
15 - Pickpocket
16 - Master Thief
17 - Break HP Limit
18 - Break MP Limit
19 - Break Damage Limit
1A - Gillionaire
1B - HP Stroll
1C - MP Stroll
1D - No Encounters
1E - Firestrike
1F - Fire Ward
20 - Fireproof
21 - Fire Eater
22 - Icestrike
23 - Ice Ward
24 - Iceproof
25 - Ice Eater
26 - Lightningstrike
27 - Lightning Ward
28 - Lightningproof
29 - Lightning Eater
2A - Waterstrike
2B - Water Ward
2C - Waterproof
2D - Water Eater
2E - Deathstrike
2F - Deathtouch
30 - Deathproof
31 - Death Ward
32 - Zombiestrike
33 - Zombietouch
34 - Zombieproof
35 - Zombie Ward
36 - Stonestrike
37 - Stonetouch
38 - Stoneproof
39 - Stone Ward
3A - Poisonstrike
3B - Poisontouch
3C - Poisonproof
3D - Poison Ward
3E - Sleepstrike
3F - Sleeptouch
40 - Sleepproof
41 - Sleep Ward
42 - Silencestrike
43 - Silencetouch
44 - Silenceproof
45 - Silence Ward
46 - Darkstrike
47 - Darktouch
48 - Darkproof
49 - Dark Ward
4A - Slowstrike
4B - Slowtouch
4C - Slowproof
4D - Slow Ward
4E - Confuseproof
4F - Confuse Ward
50 - Berserkproof
51 - Berserk Ward
52 - Curseproof
53 - Curse Ward
54 - Auto-Shell
55 - Auto-Protect
56 - Auto-Haste
57 - Auto-Regen
58 - Auto-Reflect
59 - SOS Shell
5A - SOS Protect
5B - SOS Haste
5C - SOS Regen
5D - SOS Reflect
5E - SOS NulTide
5F - SOS NulFrost
60 - SOS NulShock
61 - SOS NulBlaze
62 - Strength +3%
63 - Strength +5%
64 - Strength +10%
65 - Strength +20%
66 - Magic +3%
67 - Magic +5%
68 - Magic +10%
69 - Magic +20%
6A - Defense +3%
6B - Defense +5%
6C - Defense +10%
6D - Defense +20%
6E - Magic Def +3%
6F - Magic Def +5%
70 - Magic Def +10%
71 - Magic Def +20%
72 - HP +5%
73 - HP +10%
74 - HP +20%
75 - HP +30%
76 - MP +5%
77 - MP +10%
78 - MP +20%
79 - MP +30%
7A - Capture
7B - Blank
7C - Distill Power
7D - Distill Mana
7E - Distill Speed
7F - Distill Ability
80 - Ribbon

Here are the hex values for the weapon abilities for reference. I'm sure anyone answering would know the format for weapons if not it's:

XX 80 XX 80 XX 80 XX for four-slot weapons
(FF 00 FF 00 FF) -->FF 00 for those with <4 slots. (ex: 2-slot is XX 80 XX 80 FF 00 FF)

For example when I made Kimahri's 3-slot Red Armlet that had Fire Ward, Ice Ward, and Lightning Ward I had it replaced with Deathproof, Ribbon, Auto-Haste, and Auto-Protect.

So in the hex editor from:

1F 80 23 80 25 80 FF


80 80 56 80 30 80 54

which worked fine, but as I said, on aesthetics it was still Red Armlet. So when I decided to try out making a customizable 4-slot weapon like from Auron's katana:

7B 80 7B 80 7B 80 7B

I couldn't customize! Any ideas what I may have done wrong?

03-27-2014, 05:05 PM
I couldn't customize! Any ideas what I may have done wrong?

Its a part of the game's mechanic. Even though 7B is an empty slot, it still sees it as its already been customized. Same reason why the name of the weapon/armor won't change if you manually edited the weapon.
I haven't tried with a weapon that has 1 slot already filled then 3 already empty slots, attempting to turn the 1 filled slot as empty to see if that would work.

The game might see it as customized if it has certain checks already in place as a game's mechanic.