View Full Version : PS3 Hacker "Graf_Chololo" gets RAIDED!

02-23-2011, 06:18 PM
Looks like Sony mean business with their first real world move on hackers, Graf_Chokolo has been raided by German police looking for any material he's been working on to further research into custom firmware and private keys.

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZK4ScD8YUEOVmzLEvTnrpEeDtLY4FM zYziF3ZSNYBppBlDmhx1Q

In an attempt to propogate this info, Graf has posted everything he has online to thwart Sony's attempt to stamp this out completely.

Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
February 23, 2011 at 11:52 am
Guys, SONY was today at my home with police and got all my stuff and accounts. So be careful from now on.

Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
February 23, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Guys, i don’t joke, it’s serious.
And to prove it, i kept my word and uploaded all my HV reversing stuff.
Upload it everywhere so SONY couldn’t remove it easily. Grab it guys, it contains lots of knowledge about HV and HV procs.

Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
February 23, 2011 at 12:51 pm
IDA database is the documentation, it contains all my knowledge, Linux booting is also there. It contains all the code i used to patch HV 3.41 and boot Linux. So, PS3 devs, grab it and continue my work. It contains just everything i know about HV, storage devices and so on.

Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 12:52 pm
this is not a scam i emailed graf and he confirmed the posts, and said not to email him anymore, it just seems like a scam due to the way things are playing out, but i swear its 100% not a scam as far as i know

Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 1:26 pm
I can say with 99.9999999% percent positivity that its legit, thanks graf(:

Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 1:36 pm
yea only admins like me and graf and dukio can(: and i extracted only like a fourth of the 165 megabyte rar and its lvl1, lvl2, and hv dumping and reversing for 3.15, 3.41 and 3.55 are there, theres more that ill look at later today when i get home, thanks graf(:

Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 1:49 pm
me too EVERYONE DOWNLOAD so even if Sony removes the files they will still be everywere and so we can reupload! spread it like the keys!!

Taken from www.PSJCL.com - http://www.psjcl.com/forum/showthread.php?547-Graf_Ghokolo-gets-raided!-Sony-move-to-cease-all-work-on-CFW-and-keys

Source - http://grafchokolo.com/ps3-development-page.html

Emerald Lance
02-23-2011, 06:48 PM
Jesus, really? Did SONY have to use armored and armed tactical police officers? That isn't intimidating, it just makes SONY look like little kids that can pull a few strings. It may be a big deal to them, but it isn't a big deal to public safety; they're moving in like they're about to arrest Lee Harvey Oswald. I highly doubt that hacking the PS3 will allow the hacker to go on a killing rampage...

Or will it? Touché, Playstation. Touché.

02-23-2011, 06:57 PM
Jesus, really? Did SONY have to use armored and armed tactical police officers? That isn't intimidating, it just makes SONY look like little kids that can pull a few strings. It may be a big deal to them, but it isn't a big deal to public safety; they're moving in like they're about to arrest Lee Harvey Oswald. I highly doubt that hacking the PS3 will allow the hacker to go on a killing rampage...

Or will it? Touché, Playstation. Touché.LOL that made me chuckle, but yeah dude, Sony are crazy now, they tink they own teh world :P

02-23-2011, 08:48 PM
I have to love Sony....they are pis*ed off!

02-23-2011, 11:40 PM
Poor guy,he got owned by sony.

Emerald Lance
02-24-2011, 02:27 AM
Somebody should get in contact with the guy and see what's up. If SONY wants to act like a world super power, I say we give them an extra helping of humble pie topped with whipped cream and a cherry.

There should be a group of people who anonymously gather and go about their merry way doing whatever it is they please without fear of consequence, and said group (when not performing tasks that may or may not be considered illegal in certain parts of the world) would rush to defend this man and aid him (anonymously) against the evil corporate empire of censorship against "free use" that is SONY, much like if there were a group that opposed the current censorship laws in Australia (anonymously). *sigh* If only such a group existed...

02-24-2011, 03:39 AM
Piracy is illegal in almost every country, and I can understand that. Censorship is just bull***t. Hey what the f**k! Damn censors lol... But I don't think anything should be censored, everything should be as it's meant to be. Things shouldn't be sugar-coated because then it's not real. If you don't want kids/etc. to be in contact with it then just don't let them. People need to learn how to watch their kids if they don't want them exposed to things. And if someone doesn't like something then nobody's making you, gtfo... That's just my 3 cents.

Emerald Lance
02-24-2011, 04:58 AM
Honestly, that's what this is. You can't arrest somebody for hacking into a video game/console. I seem to recall a similar case that involved Game Genie in the 80s, and the courts ruled in favor of Game Genie. SONY doesn't have a case against this guy. I don't think they could even prosecute him over revealing company secrets, seeing as it falls under fair use of ownership; once the guys buys the console, every part of it (physical and digital) is his, to do with as he wants, and if he wants to hack into it and give the secrets out to the public, it is within his rights. SONY ain't got sh*t on this guy. So by trying to prosecute him, they're effectively trying to censor the information that he has every right to give. At least under American law, anyway...

If he's using the knowledge to run pirated software, then he can still only be prosecuted on ownership of the software anyway; even in this case, the fact that he modded his PS3 to be able to run it is still legal.

EDIT: Just saw "German" in the OP. Granted, the laws may be different there, so maybe they CAN legally arrest him. I dunno anymore.

02-24-2011, 05:07 AM
if sony came to my house like that i would unleash omislash on all of them and show them whos boss, lol

02-24-2011, 07:56 AM
If Geohot wins the court case, It's going to be loltacular, Because Sony will be put in their place numerous times.

Emerald Lance
02-25-2011, 01:34 AM
Oh yeah. SONY has a bigger ego than even Microsoft. What they need is a good kick in the pants to knock them off their high horse.

02-25-2011, 01:53 AM
when geo hot wins the case lets see what sony is gunna do hire him to protect there stuff or just get fu**** Up